Oven Steaks

This is a great for when you’re craving steaks in the middle of winter! You won’t need to bundle up to brave the cold and dig your grill out with this recipe for steaks cooked in the oven.

Some helpful hints:

Degrees of Doneness

Remember that steaks will rise a couple of degrees while they rest, I take them out about 3-4° before they’re done. Here’s a quick primer on what “doneness” means:

Rare – cool, red center – internal temp at 125° F.

Medium Rare – warm, red center – internal temp at 135° F.

Medium – warm, pink center – internal temp of 145° F.

Medium Well – slightly pink center – internal temp of 150° F.

Well Done – little or no pink – internal temp of 160°F

The FDA recommends a minimum temperature of 145°F with a 3-minute rest.

Chris Sanford