Our Favorite Fruit & Flower Farms in Michigan

For my off-farm job, I get the privilege to travel the state and visit many farms each year. From fruit & vegetable farms to greenhouses to wineries and breweries. 

This time a year I always carry extra cash on me so I can stop at all of the roadside stands & farms to get local produce for our family. 

Honestly, one of the things we only buy this time of year is, peaches. Lane has been begging me for some Michigan peaches this week since he knows it's summertime and that's when they're in season. 

With inspiration to fruit being in season here in Michigan, here are just a few of my favorite places to stop when I'm around the state.  

  • Schultz Farms 
    I love swinging by this farm on my way home from the west side of the state & traveling 94.  It's a quick stop off of the highway. Cherries, peaches, apples and much more. 

  • Three Acre Farms 
    A friend of mine has a beautiful cut flower farm near Grand Rapids.  I've only made it happen once, but I was able to swing by and get a beautiful bouquet of flowers grown by her and her husband.  She also offers classes in the summer too.

  • Brookside Farms 
    U-Pick blueberries and so much more! They offer their blueberries frozen in containers ready to grab & go.  I picked up a container for the winter on my way by one year.  So handy for blueberry muffins and shakes in the middle of winter.

  • Reenders Blueberry Farm 
    We u-picked blueberries here when Colt was two.  Lots of fun and easy to get to if you're vacationing that way.  

  • Harvey's Farm
    Located in Tekonsha (not far from our farm store) we've enjoyed going to U-pick strawberries and they also have asparagus and blueberries too.  

These are just a few of the farms we've loved visiting over the years.

How to keep track of your favorite farms in Michigan

Save your favorite farms

When you've logged into your google account in the Google Maps app on your phone, it allows you to save locations on there.  You can see that I have multiple categories set up to organize them.

This way if I find a farm on Instagram or Facebook, I head to my Google Maps and save their location.  That way as I am driving around, I can find them if I happen to be in the area. 


Chris Sanford